Friday, July 14, 2006

The Human Face

Human faces have always fascinated me, like most artists. To catch a likeness, to show the exterior in such a way that the inner person can be seen, is a challenging, inviting prospect. Moreover, a portrait can reveal not only the appearence and personality of the person but also the soul of the artist.


Undivine Intervention said...

Hmnn...I can honestly say i know nothing of Uma Thurman's soul from this picture; let alone yours. Nevertheless all this stuff is amazing. DAMN YOU, OVER-ACHIEVER!!!

Charlotte said...

My gosh, this is AMAZING !!! It looks just like her, right down to the very last miniscule detail.. put up more soooooon!!

Luke said...

This is so damn detailed...
The eyes are what really make it look like Uma Thruman. I bet that if this was just a little more contrasty, it'd look like a photograph.
I shoulda made you do the entire bob painting on yhevin's wall.
Keep up the good sketching...

Anonymous said...

MY god... this is like the most perfect sketch i've seen in my life... i dont no much abt art but im sure this is really really good... kepp it up!!!!

Bruvin said...

Nice work man! Uma all the way